BESTSELLER signs off on three-digit million donation to the BESTSELLER Foundation

Over the next five years, BESTSELLER will donate an additional DKK 175 million for charitable purposes and initiatives that can make a difference in the world. This is done through BESTSELLER Foundation that especially focuses on promoting circular economy on the African continent, but also supports responsibility programs worldwide.

“The additional support from BESTSELLER gives us a huge opportunity to increase our efforts. We are humble about the task and at the same time very optimistic about the potential of the circular economy across a number of sectors. Not least in Africa and not least within fashion and textiles,” says Jannek Egerrup-Hagen, Managing Director of BESTSELLER Foundation.

“In Africa, we are currently collaborating on textile recycling in Kenya, and we support thriving designers who focus on sustainability. We also collaborate with a number of entrepreneurs from Rwanda to South Africa, who transform waste into fashion products. In addition to the foundation’s investments, we provide support for the promotion of innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship for the benefit of nature and the environment, job creation and better living conditions,” he elaborates.